Hoy os venimos a traer la historia de esta curiosa página en la que puedes encontrar todo tipo de joyas relacionadas con la naturaleza. Podeis encontrarla en @bolboretas.no.caminho en Instagram y ver como efectivamente son piezas únicas y elaboradas a mano. Su último complemento lo podéis ver, la mascarilla? No, la mascarilla no va incluída, pero si el enganche de la mascarilla personalizado. Este podría ser un anuncio de la teletienda, pero no lo es, es una iniciativa de una estudiante, que, en estos tiempos difíciles ha decidido innovar y llevar a cabo este proyecto para poder estudiar lo que desea. Son muchos los proyectos que realizan los estudiantes para ganar algo de dinero, pero este es 100% natural y totalmente concienciado y ambientado en la naturaleza y una atención durecta y cercana por parte de los administradores de la página.
> -When did your love for music begin? > Right from birth honestly, I was always drawn to all different kinds of music. But often times stuff that evoked some emotion in my soul or that "felt good". > -Who is the person who has supported you the most in your dream? > My parents for sure. They have watched me develop every step of the way, from the days when I'd show up late to the dinner table because I'd be in my songwriter world in my bedroom to listening to every song I've ever written, to helping me decide between two different oufits for a show. They are my champions. > -you have new projects? > YES! The writing never stops for me so I have about two albums worth of material and the new wave of Chloé Caroline will be shared this fall. :) > -you have any anecdote? > I went to thailand to write/record/mix some new songs last May :) > -How were your beginnings > I was a very normal kid in the sense that I was involved ...